An eventful day and a new slaughter house

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An eventful day and a new slaughter house

Post by ann »

I had two steers to go to the slaughter house today and the butcher who is having them asked me to take them to a new slaughter house which at the time seemed fine. However today it was a lousy morning lots of ice about and no gritters. I set of at 7.45am and the first 10 miles went o.k then I hit stationery traffic, apparently there had been a pile up approx 8 miles further on up the road. When i finally got to a junction in the road where I could escape the hold up I took it only to find that the roads where like a sheet of ice. so at the next main cross road I come to another accident, two police vans taking statements but no one directing traffic, I finally managed to get across to where i wanted to go and when i finally reached my destination it had taken me 2 hrs to do 29 miles.

the plus side was that the set up at the slaughter house was amazing, the guy in charge use to slaughter at my own butchers so after we had unloaded the cattle I got a conducted tour. I have to say I was very impressed. A very good unloading bay where the cattle then walked down a ramp into a holding pen. They have about ten and the whole set up is for minimum distress for the animals. Everything was very calm and my two just went into a pen without any worry. I just can't begin to imagine how much all this must have cost, but it was very state of the art.

if you live near York and want details get in touch with me and i will e-mail them to you.

Plus there is a cafe almost next door which does take out coffee's. big plus, hopefully the next time I go the weather will be better.
I just got back home before the snow hit us. all in all and eventful day.
:? :?