AGM Resolutions

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Duncan MacIntyre
Posts: 2372
Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2004 12:38 am
Location: Isle of Bute, Scotland, UK

AGM Resolutions

Post by Duncan MacIntyre »

We all owe a debt of gratitude to Ian Simpson for analysing the resolutions proposed by Council at the AGM. In conbination with others passed at recent AGMs they are a serious assault on the ordinary membership of our Society, And those of us who understand this have a duty beyond a doubt to do all that we can at this years AGM to ensure that these resolutions are not passed.

I am often not afraid of speaking my mind on such occasions but those of us who have taken the time to read the detail of what is being changed cannot do much unless we get support. Last year I asked that only those present at the AGM in Scotland in 2013 voted to accept or reject the minutes. But no, lots of people voted who had not a clue what was wrong with the minutes. Several detailed discussions on contentious issues were completely omitted from these minutes.

I am not just an eccentric trouble maker out to serve my own purposes. I have been dedicated to the Dexter breed for over a quarter of a century, I have served on Council as a Vice President in the 1990's, a breed inspector, field adviser, adviser to the "Steering Committee" some years ago, I have the honour of being an Honorary Life Member of the Society. I cannot sit silently while so much damage is being done to our Society.

Please listen very carefully to any discussion at the AGM and support common sense and decency.

Duncan MacIntyre
Burnside Dexters 00316
Isle of Bute