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Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 7:26 pm
by ann
:) :) Hi everyone, I think you are all getting confused about whats going on with the DCS. Shame more of you didn't bother to come to the AGM then I'm sure you would have all been much better informed about what is going on. Also what has been going on. The birth notification charge is under review and is certainly not a definite, there was lots of positive things to come out of the meeting and I personally think the society is in much safer hands so I'm sure once the new council has had time to settle in we will all be informed whats going on. I would also say a big thanks to the border group for organizing the event. Mark for setting up the linage demo which was very interesting, All the people who took time out to bring their animals to be accessed, in not the best circumstances as it must have been quite stressful with such a big audience. Lets put all the negative vibes behind us and move onto to a better place. :) :) :)


Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 10:31 am
by 2loo2loo
unfortunately we couldn't make it and I suppose we've been against this council a bit but mostly due to not hearing everything from them only dribs and drabs, but now they've had time to sort this out hopefully this will be sorted out . I spoke yesterday to a good friend who came up to the agm and said we still need to sort out the accounts but it sounds like the outgoings are more than the incoming which is never sustainable so let's hope they find ways of sorting this out ( and hopefully quickly ) so we can still keep a society for everyone to enjoy .