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New Calf

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2023 3:10 pm
by Saffy
Yesterday was a "bit of a day"!

I must remember that my little collie Nell knows EVERYTHING!!! I made the mistake of telling her to be quiet when she tried to wake me at an ungodly hour and then she basically wouldn't speak to me after that! 😆

When I got out on the yard I noticed the cows were a bit loud..., there was a newborn calf in the water tank! Bear in mind myself and Gary that comes to help had done a bit of work with them the previous day and this ones mother looked no where near !!!!😳

Anyway got the poor little thing out of the tank but she was severely hypothermic. Two and a half hours warming her up in the bath .... the she got a suck reflex, a pint of unfrozen colostrum from the freezer whilst still in the bath.

Then lots of towels, followed by a hair dryer in the kitchen. 😁😁😁

Then back out to her mum but neither Gary or myself could persuade her to suckle, we think she was simply too tired. Hours standing in the tank, more hours thawing back out.

So we proceeded to milk the cow. Bless her she was an angel. She didn't kick AT all. She would make a perfect milk cow.

We milked off just enough to keep her going but keep her hungry, I think she had sucked late last night but wasn't sure.......

And this morning she was suckling.... PERFECT!!!

No pics I was way too busy keeping her alive!!!