Vicious Cows

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Posts: 142
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:36 pm

Post by oliver1921 »

Just a little story to add to the tale so far:

On saturday morningI was juyst doing my rounds of the cows and realised that a cow who was due to calve early november was with a claf that had been born four days ago and the right mum was 100 yards away. On closer inspection i realised that she had calved but there was no sign of the calf. I eventually found the new born in some rushes, had not been licked but a strong little calf. Mother was not showing any interest in her new calf but was very attached to the other, incidentally we had a problem tagging the other calf due to an over protective mum - she had sent me flying!

With a bit of help we managed to get the two mums and calves together but the newly calved one only had eyes for the other calf. Eventually we decided we needed to split the two pairs up so got them in a pen to shed them.

The 'older' mum during shedding managed to throw me over her back and squash me aginst the fence - could not get up yesterday atall and am now walking like John Wayne - there is only one solution for cattle like this and that is the butchers block. I will keep the Mum away from the bull and leave the calf on. There is no way I would consider selling a cow like this on and I strongly think that anyone doing so should seriosly consider the implications of what they are doing - we have been sold two vicious cows who will be butchered.

Please - if you have a vicious cow cull it rather than sell it - you will probably get more for it anyway and the sooner cows like this are out of the dexter breeding stock the better.

p.s. the good news is the new calf is suckling from the right Mum - had to halter her for the last couple of days but the omens are looking good