Royal Show 2008 - need entries

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Mark Bowles
Site Admin
Posts: 1290
Joined: Mon Mar 29, 2004 6:03 pm
Location: Leicestershire England

Post by Mark Bowles »

Because of the bluetongue restrictions failing to be lifted around Stoneleigh, its in the survailence zone, a lot of the dexter entries can't go.
The RASE has extended until Friday this week the deadline in an effort to get more entries.
Anyone that thinks they would like to show at this late stage then contact Sue in the DCS office who can help speed things along( for those that don't know ,our office is in the RASE building so its a matter of just running down the stairs to make contact with them).
This is a premier event and not to see the large number of dexters forward would be a shame, so if you think you could help then please give Sue a call on 02476 692300
Mark Bowles
Linford Dexters