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Re: How much water does a Dexter drink?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:15 pm
by M Blake
Debra your 163 m3 for July Dec inclusive is about 1m3 per day or 220 gallons or 1,000 litres. With 1500 minutes in a day you can see how a leak less than a litre per minute adds up. If you have access to the meter ensure troughs are full and taps off and simply watch the meter it does not have to move too fast to indicate a small flow. Are your fields well draining ? If so leak hunting can be fun!
Good luck but I would say there is a small leak or another supply going somewhere.
Cheers Mark

Re: How much water does a Dexter drink?

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:16 am
by davidw
The manufacturers of Grundfos pumps produce a guide for designing water systems. Their figure is that a cow uses 40 litres each day. That sounds quite low to me, especially for a dairy cow, but it may not be too far off to use as an average for a mixed bunch of Dexters. But then when did any Dexter take any notice of rules and recommendations?

Re: How much water does a Dexter drink?

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:02 pm
by SteveM
Last 3 steers came away from the 10 acre field this morning, turned water of with meter showin 61.9 cubic meters, so usage since early march approx 33 cubic meters, last year was 28 cubic meters from may till the snow.

Average at least 8 cattle, only a couple of cows with calves, rest steers or young heifers.

Re: How much water does a Dexter drink?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:59 pm
by SteveM
Just taken the cattle out of the field again for this year, meter reading 25.5 cubic metres for the year, 2nd may to 19th Nov with an average of 10 cattle. though doubtful of meter accuracy with only one tank feeding from it

Re: How much water does a Dexter drink?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 5:43 pm
by SteveM
its that time of year again, 10 cattle 14th april till 2nd December in a 10 acre field, 25 cubic metres of water used according to meter

Re: How much water does a Dexter drink?

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 1:04 pm
by SteveM
long hot summer has taken its toll, 35 cubic metres this year 11th April till 1st December, between 7 and 10 cattle on 10 acres of grass