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Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 7:45 am
by Jac
Of the cattle I have owned and bred in almost 20 years, three quarters of them have been purchased by non-members who have not gone on to join the Society. If this trend is widespread then I can see our herd book getting into a mess.

Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 8:33 am
by Saffy
I had to pay transfer whether the new owner was to be a member or not.

Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 9:27 am
by Jac
I think that is all well and good if you are making a profit giving to charity is a good thing but when every animal sold is produced at a loss then one has to think long and hard about it.

Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Thu May 02, 2019 10:50 am
by 2loo2loo
it's a dodgy one over a year how many breeding animals do we actually sell all together ? I don't know how we pay for the registration and then we don't own it ?it seems they are just putting costs on to what is done in the office so to cover costs and maybe we need to accept as members we are going to have more costs ahead . I know the issues of the previous council but this council has had 2 years to sort out the issues and now needs to start pushing the breed forward . I know of the financial issues but there seems plenty in the accounts at the last agm and this council are doing lots to stop the financial problems but we need new direction and breed promotion

Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Mon May 13, 2019 4:17 am
by jems5
All these changes are bad for the society i have not registered any heifers this year and not bothering to get birth notify for the boys .Always done herd returns but if that going to end up with a bill wont be bothering with that.I belong to the Sussex cattle society and i do not get these silly charges and they are not big society and certain not the arguments and problems the dexter society has. I have also reduced my herd by half as i have no faith in the present board who seem to have no vision of were they are going and changing thing for the good of the society and not for the chosen few and i would like to see the south east represented better as over the years we have had some of the best herd in the country and got a lot of publicity for the breed the goal post keep getting moved to no benefit to the membership and experienced members who have helped put the dexters on the map over the years overlooked and ignored

Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 5:08 pm
by SteveM
have a couple of old cows and infertile younger stock going to market as 0tm.

will we have to just keep an eye on cts and declare them as dead once confirmed.

Certainly wont be paying any transfer fee.

Re: Payment for transfer of ownership

Posted: Fri May 17, 2019 6:25 pm
by ann
Which mart do you use Steve