Secretary Resigns. Version 2 - Technical Glitch

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Post by ann »

I do hope you have put the contents of your post in a letter Alison and sent if to council.


Re comments on the AGM The AGM from the members point of view was a very pleasant day. the problems that have arisen in council obviously where known by some if not all councilors but this did not spoil the AGM so any one who has given people on this board the impression that the AGM attended by the membership was stormy IMHO were not at the one I attended or did I have my rose coloured glasses on!!!

constructive criticism is one thing, stirring things up for personally gain is not, and I don't think Berl meant four legged dexters in her comments!

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Post by AlisonKirk »

Hi Ann - Too late to post. I've faxed & e-mailed my extract from the discussion board together with a memorandum to the DCS Office. I have spoken to Elaine who is faxing and/or
e-mailing it to George Godber as I write this.

Rob and I are attending on Thursday.


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Post by Woodmagic »

My one criticism of the Dexter over the years has been its antagonism and aggression to its herd mates. Put two bunches of Dexters who have been separated for a while together, and you will have arguments galore. A wise and experienced beekeeper pointed out that aggression was always to be found in the efficient worker, which put a different complexion on my opinion. However, even if one does tend to become like the animals you keep, I think human rationale should make us more tolerant. Listening to some of the criticisms I have heard of Council recently, I hope that tomorrow, members will confine themselves to trying to eradicate the problems that have occurred on Council, not to providing a whole lot more.
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Post by Woodmagic »

My one criticism of the Dexter over the years has been its antagonism and aggression to its herd mates. Put two bunches of Dexters who have been separated for a while together, and you will have arguments galore. A wise and experienced beekeeper pointed out that aggression was always to be found in the efficient worker, which put a different complexion on my opinion. However, even if one does tend to become like the animals you keep, I think human rationale should make us more tolerant. Listening to some of the criticisms I have heard of Council recently, I hope that tomorrow, members will confine themselves to trying to eradicate the problems that have occurred on Council, not to providing a whole lot more.
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Post by ann »

I to would have liked to attend but unfortunately my husband is away for a month and I don't like to travel to far from home when there is no one around to take care of everything however we will have a Rep from the Northern group attending


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Post by Inger »

Peter, in answer to the "why doesn't the Society import and sell straws", the NZ Council believe that it is not their core business to do so. As a number of NZ breeders are already importing and on-selling straws, the Council felt that this area was already being covered.

Maybe you could import your favourite bull's straws and on-sell them too. :;):

Beryl, that's an excellent idea about asking John if he might host a discussion group on his website. I think I'll ask him. :)

On the previous version of this thread, Duncan had a very well thought out letter. I do hope that the meeting goes well and a level of harmony can be obtained amongst your Committee members, for the benefit of the British Dexter Society as a whole. All the best to those attending.

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Post by PeterO »


I did submit a draft article to the Bulletin a while ago - perhaps it was insufficiently placid :)
Good luck in sorting out your problems - as an overseas Member I have a vested interest in a good DCS secretary.
Veronica Schofield
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Post by Veronica Schofield »

You would all do well to listen to Duncan - the voice of reason! The post which prompted my remarks has now, rightfully, been removed. I did not like spiteful, personal vendettas when they were allowed to appear in the Bulletin years ago, when I was a new member(and wondering what sort of society I had joined!) and I still don't like them. We all have different ideas about how the Society should be run and none of us are right all the time. I am the last person to want to lose yet another secretary, but I also do not like to see several people have worked very hard for the breed over a number of years (and who I haven't always seen eye to eye with by any means) being subjected to what can only be described as "Trial by Chat Room".
I have absolutely no idea what Rod Metcalfe is talking about ref Kronyism/Kumbria and co-option - events have moved on since then, but I would also have thought that if someone resigns, then the next person in the ballot should replace them. We now appear to have an entirely new committee, who have not been elected by the membership. I am always prepared to work for the breed when my time allows (as I hope Yvonne would confirm) but have tried to avoid the "politics" since the disgraceful treatment of Sandra Mansell.

I enjoyed my trip down to the AGM - and the skittles, Rob, even if I was completely useless, I am just very sad at the turn of events since then and will be sending some hopefully constructive suggestions to the office.
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Post by Woodmagic »

Veronica, I have been waiting for someone more informed than myself, so someone please correct me if I have it wrong. As I understand it, the caretaker arrangement has been charged with taking suggestions from the membership in order to reorganise the structure of Council so that we do not have a repetition of the disastrous recent events. The people were chosen on the basis that they had no connection with those problems.
The Council when it has been elected should be organised to consult and inform and work for all of our diverse membership, not acting as a dictatorial secret society.
I endorsed Duncan’s excellent letter, and think it was a pity that it was not acted upon at the time, I am sure the Committee will make use of it, and welcome your suggestions. Let us hope we can now go forward without further recriminations using our energies for promoting the Dexter and enjoying it.
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Post by Broomcroft »

That is 100% spot on Beryl.
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Post by Broomcroft »

Duncan - Would it be possible for you to email a copy of the letter that Beryl refers to (i.e. the actual Word file or whatever) either to me, or any of us?
Duncan MacIntyre
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Post by Duncan MacIntyre »


I posted the letter referred to on the first version of this topic, and it can still be viewed there. I do intend to be in touch with everyone on the steering committee shortly, and will be including a copy of that letter. I have deliberately held back on discussing details of either Council or the DCS Secretary's position on a public site, and I know that others have also taken this view. Unfortunately this may mean that in some respects the view presented may not have been as inclusive as it might have been, but there are extremely important reasons, both legal and ethical, why this should have to be.

Duncan MacIntyre
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Post by Martin »

All those on the Steering Committee are well aware that we are not 'elected' members, and our remit as Beryl says is to try to suggest changes to our constitution that will stop this mess from happening again (any changes to the constitution will have to be ratified by the membership). None of us where seeking office but accepted the invitation to try to do something positive for the Society. We will all work to the best of our ability to bring the present situation to an end as soon as possible. Please email any suggestions you have to reform our constitution to any or all on the Steering Committee, we will welcome your input.
Yes Veronica some (very) good people have been lost from Council, and I am sure they did not want to go, but for the greater good they decided it was for the best as it was all or none.
The membership now have the future in their hands, and must grasp this opportunity to make the changes neccessary to take the Society forward in a positive manner. We must have openness and transparency within Council, we must make communication easier and quicker, we must get away from the feeling that some Council members seem to have superglue on their trousers and are forever in office,we must make members feel that the Society is at last being run for them, we must make it possible for a secretary to do their job without petty differences on Council interfering with the smooth running of the office.
How? You tell us, study the Constitution and suggest changes, we are ordinary members just like most that will read this post, we need your assistance to carry this forward, please do not just leave it to us and complain later, this situation was not of our making, and I for one will be glad to see a new Council in place and happier times ahead.

Martin. Medway Valley Dexters
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Post by welshdexterboy »

Martin - Rob H here asking if you could let me know where I can get a look at a copy of the constitution. I am not a political animal normally but the treatment to Yvonne riled me. If you and the rest can sort it out then all power to your elbow. I am not in a position to recommend ways to improve but if we as the members are informed as it is going along it would be good.Too many people wanting their own suggestions implemented and you will end up with a wildebeest so we don't want to end up in the fire having left the frying pan behind.
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Post by Sylvia »

Well said Martin. It is clear to me that the steering group offered their services to sort out the mess, not to further personal gain.
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