When my bull went visiting!

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Jo Kemp
Posts: 492
Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:46 pm

Post by Jo Kemp »

"Where's Sultan?" "Oh he'll be there!" Fortunately I didn't believe my long suffering husband and discovered the lad had broken a spar on a weak gate and .. was visiting the neighbours heifers! Rats.
Everyone was silaging so couldn't phone for help so Nick, my brother and I chased around 40+ acres trying to box them in a corner.
Got a bucket. Sultan popped his head in - half put on the halter and ... it slipped before the nose rope was fitted. Rats.
I was meanly muttering about incompetence when, after being separated from most of the flighty pieces, Sultan turned towards me.... I talked to him, showed him the bucket again and ... he gave in. I put the halter on upside down so removed it again and he simply stood like a lamb. Walked to the gate as if on the showground. Bless his cotton socks.
He wasn't quite so pleased to find the ironmongery blocking his pathway back ... If he had known would he have been so good? Humans exhausted of course!
Don't think he got passed the checking! :p