A New Agenda - What do we want from the DCS

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Chris Downward
Posts: 72
Joined: Sat Apr 08, 2006 12:02 am
Location: Llanddeusant, South Wales

Post by Chris Downward »

Having spent some time on talking about elections on various posts I feel I should start a new agenda.
At the moment I feel we have a society that is in turmoil, we do not have any clear idea of where we are going or what we wish to achieve. We have lots of "inputs" but we have no concept of what we wish the animals to achieve.
We have a diverse membership who in the main are not interested in the politics of DCS and a number who have Dexters but are not concerned about there registration.
We are all looking for increased participation in the society and yet we seem to make it more complex to participate.
We currently have a steering group who are saddled with the running of the DCS--thank you by the way--with no real task other than keeping things going--and no immediate concept of a way forward.
The question that arises is of course "what do we want the society for?"
Grandiose ideas of ways forward and what do we wish the breed to achieve are great but we really have to get the basics right first.
I feel at the moment we are all dancing about on soft foam--what we need are some firm basics to stand on;
For goodness sake lets see if we can have an election--it doesn't matter if "x" thinks DNA tests for bulls are a good or bad idea--we need leadership and suggestions for direction
Chris Downward
Pant Y Turnor