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Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:34 pm
by domsmith
I am sure other members have recieved the survey from the dexter society, i hope that everyone takes this opertunity to express views that have been put on this site for things like bull registrations and overage fees.

maybe its good for getting our views to council, but iwonder what the cost is for a 3rd party to collate the results.
i wonder if somthing like survey monkey would be more efficient and quicker?
i have just realised they have saved some money by getting us to pay for the postage :D

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:23 pm
by redhill
I would hope that the council did look at every option before going to an outside organisation for this survey, however I do think that it is imperitive that we ALL send this survey back, how long is it since a council has actually ask the membership for their opinion lets not waste this opotunity as if we do they may decide that its not worth asking the membership for future opinions because they do not care.
please tell the council in no uncertain terms what you want of them and then lets see if they take any notice.
don't forget if you don't send this survey back then you have no right to complain at anything the council do or don't do, if you send the survey back then you have every right to complain, its the same at election time no matter whether it's for a society or local or national government if you do not use your right to vote then you cannot realistically have the right to complain when things don't go the way you would like.
yes we have got to pay the postage but is your opinion not worth the cost of a postage stamp?

Bill, Castlemears Dexters

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:49 pm
by nuttalls
hi dom, after goin to ylc today selling saddleback pigs for good money and watching dexters selling for poor money. it makes me wonder why the society have put calf registrations up by £3.00 each we didnt get an option on that. i,m considering goin non-registered! £15.00 per calf

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 10:07 am
by K.P.Enn
I sent back the survey, having decided that I could afford the stamp. One thing that amused me was the penultimate paragraph of the letter that came with the form. I did not add my name and address as I had no wish to win returned survey forms, as the sentence implied. I'm sure that Carol did not really mean this!
(Just a bit of fun among all the moans)

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:11 am
by Broomcroft
The most important return that would be needed to tell the society where (if at all) it is going wrong is from the people who won't want to even read it, and also from the people who have already given up, or not joined n the first place.

We have a big herd and are no longer members. I know people who have been registering for decades and have now stopped, and I know people to whom I have sold stock who have no interest in joining (most). Those are the opinions that you want, NOT the people who have jojned. It's a bit like doing a poll at a party conference by the sounds of it! That is in fact, to me, one of the biggest problems of the society compared to others I know in that it looks inwards and gazes at it's own navel.

Edited By Broomcroft on 1240902938

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:57 am
by Inger
So is your Society Membership going down?

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:44 pm
by Martin
Well said Clive, as an ex member myself I feel the same way, only I went one step further and sold my dexters as I wanted to have registered pedigree stock.
The main problem within the Dexter Society is that so many people have so many different aims, another is that too few have too much influence.
I think the aim of the few is to get back where they where a few years ago, meeting around the kitchen table and belonging to some exclusive club. My fear is that they will realise their wish. So those that want a vibrant and successfull society fill in the forms send them back and make sure Council acts on the information received. You have been warned!!!!