Multiple Pickups

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Post by bjreroberts »

I have been asked by a neighbour if I would take one of his Dexters to slaughter when I next take one of mine.

If I am reading the rules on multiple-pickups correctly then we will need an area of hardstanding (concrete or tarmac) to use the options for "use of pens" or "temporary pens". As his yard is just hardcore I don't think we will be able to use either of these options, so that will just leave "tail gating" as an option.

Can anyone provide any advise on this particular aspect or can compacted hardcore/chippings be effectively disinfected?

Any views re: sharing transport in general. The animals will be separated in the trailer by the gate so my initial view is it is no different from them being kept in a pen at the slaughterhouse. Would it be less or more stressful for the animal to be with another than on it's own even if they do not know each other?


Ben Roberts
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Post by Broomcroft »

This is probably out of date Ben, but 2 years ago (could be more?) we arranged a multi-pickup situation such as you are suggesting. A friend's farm was on the way to the abattoir and I was always going with room for her stock to take on board as well.

We had both to be inspected, which as a breeze, they just looked at the places and the loading areas, then they issued us with a licence (which we never used as it turned out).

Since then, tail-gating has been allowed to happen, but I don't know of any other changes. Sorry can't help more.

Edited By Broomcroft on 1298481959
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Post by domsmith »

We collect from other peoples farms all the time, its usually sheep we collect when we have our own beasts in the trailer, never been asked or questioned at the abattoir. doubt they even notice.
we are in scotland, dont know if we have different rules or not.

just get on with it claim ignorance.
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Post by Broomcroft »

But if you're taking animals onto someone else's farm, you are initiating a 6 day close-down! If you don't do this properly and get caught out, I would think there is a serious penalty for ignoring that. We were threatened once and I can't remember what he said but it was not good. It's extremely easy to do it right, as I say it was a breeze, took all of 10 minutes. They just need to see the loading areas are OK. Just speak to your animal health person (Trading Standards?). There must be rules to follow otherwise there'd be no 6 day closedown. Or has that gone? Hope not cause we're still working to it :(
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