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Dexters for beef - Lincolnshire

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:40 pm
by Rachael@BRIL
Although I imagine most people will already have a 'place' for any cattle they cannot/do not want to sell I thought it may be worth posting on here.

We have a herd of Dexters - 6 breeding cows at present - and are breeding for beef sales. We currently have 1 steer fit, one coming up and 3 more that wont be ready till next year sometime. If demand needs we would like to build the herd to a size that can produce all we sell (dreaming!!) But in the mean time and due to the steady process of maturing Dexters slowly we may find we have a shortage - I say may because we are not yet 'live' as it were with the business.

So I thought I'd post here and ask if there are any producers in Lincolnshire (has to be this county only I'm afraid due to business objective) who do not have an outlet for their 'unwanted' cattle and would like to talk about possibly being a 'supplier' to us? If you would be interested in talking to us please feel free to call or message me and I'll gladly call you,

Thank you in anticipation,
m - 07749973222