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AGM Thanks

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 8:55 am
by solburydexters
We wish to thank the Midland Group and all who took part in the organisation of the AGM weekend.
This includes the DCS office and trustees.
We know it was not easy it never is.
A lot has been learnt.

We do hope the Lygon Arms get officialy thanked. Surely no one can complain about their part. There were however many grumbles on Sunday from those who had attended the Saturday night 'social' that they had overeaten, shame on you!
The ' D Day girls' provided much entertainment and brought a 'twinkle to the eye' of most of the 'old bulls' present.
Some of the young bulls also got a bit restless.

The Sunday visit to the herd of Rob and Alison Kirk show what can be achived commercialy with hard team work. the animals are a credit to them. They have to be thanked for information freely given on the marketing of their beef.

Then there was the 'Tooloos farewell' again most over (?) sampled the delightful cakes on offer.

The 'Tooloos team' had obviously been instrumental in the whole weekend very many thanks.
Alan and Mary