Sick Cow

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Sick Cow

Post by Jac »

Went out to feed the cows Wednesday morning to find one of them (third calver due 4th July) had trashed her pen (bedding was soaking wet), not touched her hay or water overnight. She was standing in the corner of her pen, head down, swishing her tail and lifting her hind legs to her abdomen she would then return to her bed, lie down and moan before getting up again and returning to the corner. This came on very suddenly as she was fine on Tuesday evening.

Vet called immediately who examined her thoroughly - water infection diagnosed, Metacam and Pen and Strep administered and by late afternoon she was well on the road to recovery. Having had the last of her three injections of Pen and Strep today she seems back to her normal self. Whilst quite common in the human species have never had a cow down with this before has anyone else?
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Joined: Tue Mar 30, 2004 9:09 pm
Location: Hundon, Suffolk.

Re: Sick Cow

Post by jeanthomas »

Many years ago we had a dexter cow showing signs of cystitis. She was not as bad as you describe but clearly uncomfortable. Vet came and treated her and she was fine - never happened again. However, as you infer, it does seem to be a rare occurrence in cattle.

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