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Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:36 am
by moomin
I understand the council is planning to axe one of our bulletins at the council meeting tomorrow? I think this is unconstitutional.
The bulletins are the means by which we have information and are able to advertise stock, semen etc.
I know we have this website but the bulletins are there for us to keep on the shelf forever to refer to.
I do not think this is to save money, there is revenue from advertising and it is the only thing the members get from their subscriptions. Smacks of a secret society, touch the membership every 6 months rather than every 4 months and they won't know what is going on!
Mark, I Thank you for this website and I have much respect for you so may I direct members to social media, particularly Facebook, Dexter Cattle Society , not The Dexter Cattle Society where they may express their views on the present state of the DCS.

Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:09 am
by Jac
If true about the Bulletin, this is not good but we don't know the reason for this - perhaps they don't have enough articles to make it worthwhile? As far as unconstitutional goes, I have not been impressed with the impartiality of the Bulletin in recent years. Here I make reference to a refused request for use of the Bulletin in helping raise support/awareness of a proposed resolution to restore the Council Minutes to the membership. Perhaps I was misguided, as I believed that like the dextercattleforsale discussion board it was meant to be an independent member's publication although Council also used it for informational purposes.

Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 6:11 pm
by Mark Bowles
I feel I have to respond as a council member, calm down, this has not even been discussed at a council meeting. Talk about rumours and false truths, someone out there is having a field day!

Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 12:24 pm
by Saffy
Well it does seem unlikely that it would be axed down to two, I am in the Herdwick Sheep Society and although I don't get to any of their meetings I really look forward to the info and pictures that I get in the equivalent publication. It keeps me in touch with fellow Herdwick Breeders and gives me info on breeding trends, reminds me about conformation and tells me who has done what...brilliant little piece of editorial!

My point being....there must be many members that don't go to meetings ....don't visit this site, their only contact with The Society and other members being "The Bulletin".

Is it cost, is it too difficult to find someone to do the job? Or is this an unfounded rumour? The bulletin has been around a long time and is in its own way a little gem and many people even collect them for posterity....


Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:36 pm
by Louisa Gidney
It seems it's not just my Dexters who are getting Cabin Fever already!
With regard to the Bulletin, I would suggest part of the problem is getting the wider membership to provide copy for the Editor. It's unfair for the Editor to have to write the articles too. Perhaps if all the regular contributors here were to contribute a piece on their favourite hobby horse, it would stimulate wider debate. Companion pieces by Kirk and Judy immediately spring to mind and would also remind everyone that the breed is now international.
I've given the Editor full permission to quarry my thesis for copy, but this has not been taken up. I think we also need a balanced mix of cute stories about my first Dexter or show win with rather more rigorous contributions on genetics, animal health etc.

Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 5:16 pm
by Jac
It isn’t the first time that Bulletin reductions have been suggested to be replaced by a newsletter. Editing the Bulletin is a thankless task and not something many would be willing to take on. Perhaps it would help if all the membership were on the mailing circular that goes out just before the deadlines? I am a self-confessed Bulletin hoarder.

Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:37 pm
by Louisa Gidney
Given the current financial crisis in DCS, is it time we should be thinking of the Bulletin as an electronic publication rather than a paper one? This is the case for other organisations I'm a member of.

Re: Two bulletins a year!

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:09 am
by Jac
Wonder why the fees weren't put up in January?