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Royal Norfolk National Dexter Show this week

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 8:26 am
by Mark Bowles
The society National Show judging takes place on Weds 27th June at the Royal Norfolk Show, nr Norwich. Its a huge agricultural show in the traditional sense of the word with the usual livestock. There will be lots of dexters to view on both days 27th/28th June so why not come along and visit us all, the Anglian Group will be hosting a stand with tea and coffee for all. Weather looks fine, what more could you ask for??

Re: Royal Norfolk National Dexter Show this week

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 5:00 pm
by Jac
Don't forget to pack your sun block looks like it is going to be a scorcher. :)

Re: Royal Norfolk National Dexter Show this week

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 8:26 am
by moomin
I am posting something I put on Facebook as not all members access facebook.

Home Friday from the National Show at Royal Norfolk.
Had a super time meeting all my friends and seeing how the breed has improved and progressed over the years. I think there were about 110 good quality Dexters entered.The East Anglia Group did a tremendous job with the stand, 3 gold stars! The judge ,whom I did not know from Adam, stuck it out for over 7 hours on a really hot day - what a task! He was fab with our young handlers at the end of showing.

However the day was marred by the despicable and unacceptable behaviour by some competitors when the judge came down the lines later. You know who you are but I don't suppose you have the guts to make a public apology here, it would be nice if you would?
Once showing is over you can't change anything so why get so het up about things?

A long time ago i wrote a bit of doggerel for the bulletin and it was printed again in the last bulletin,

"And now the judge comes down the lines,
He's one who's stood ALONE, [ believe me it is a very lonely place out there],
So think about the job he's had,

Some you win and some you lose, just look forward to the next show, no good looking back!
