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Dexter Beef Prices

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2019 6:28 pm
by Mark S
We sent a steer to the Abattoir this week to be butchered for private sales as freezer packs. As we have not sold this way for a while, we were wondering what other breeders are charging for beef sold this way.
The carcass will be sold as 4 packs, each pack consisting of a mix of both hind and forequarters.

Mark S

Brereton Herd

Re: Dexter Beef Prices

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:11 pm
by Rob R
Our box sold with the following mix of cuts (25% fore joints, 25% hind joints, 20% mince, 20% dice, 10% steaks) works out at £10.60 per kg

Re: Dexter Beef Prices

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 1:18 pm
by Vallets Farm
Our boxes sell at £11 per kg. An average box will be about 15 kg in weight. Starter boxes are 10 kg in weight. Each box will have individually wrapped steaks (rump and sirloin), roasting joints (brisket, silverside, topside), mince and diced (chuck and stewing, individually bagged as chuck needs less cooking). All bagged and labelled, ready to go straight into the freezer. We always keep the fillet steak for ourselves. All sold to family, friends and work colleagues. We judge how many boxes each animal will make - then set a sale target for ourselves from this - not an exact science, but we've been doing it for 10 years now and have got our beef box eye in.