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Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 2:26 pm
by Sylvia
We've had bulls on loan and managed OK, but always knew if there was a problem we had sound backup.

Today I have taken delivery of an 18 month old lad who is on 4 month loan with a very definite likelihood that I'll buy him at the end of the loan period. He comes with a cast iron CV for politeness and good behaviour.

I would appreciate any tips about easing gently into bull ownership in the best possible way. I'm not likely to be anything but respectful and careful. I'll always keep him with at least a few cows. Anything else I ought to know?

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 5:21 pm
by louise
I have hired bulls for my one or two cows for about 10 years and they have all been easy to manage but you must have good fences. One non-short escaped because he could see cows over a mile away. The fence was usual stock fence with two rows of wire on top. He must have gone over the top. Another short legged one pushed his way under a stock fence. I think electric is the safest.

Posted: Fri May 14, 2004 6:47 pm
by Mark Bowles
Just call me lucky,i have never had a bull ecape..........yet!!!!!
If bull owners are letting their bulls out for hire i would expect them to check out where the animal is going to live first,and definately not hire out an " escape artist".
Also remember the wise saying, "no matter what, never turn your back on a bull", you can never trust them 100%, perhaps 99% but there is still that slight chance of a problem.
One of my bulls smashed post and rail fencing regular trying to scratch, with cows only a hedge and a track away he would stand with the top 2 rails broken,which he could have easily stepped over the other 2, and all he did was stand and stare. Electric has now stopped him rubbing on the post and rail at least.